
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My nomination remarks during the vacancy committee election

Many of you have asked about my remarks during the vacancy committee election on Wednesday, May 20, 2010.

Below are my prepared notes:

"I humbly accept the nomination. Thank you, Tom and Veronica.

"And thank you, Democratic leaders, for your commitment to our district. It’s people like you that make the democratic process work for everyone, even for someone with my background, a son of a restaurant worker and a hotel housekeeper.

"I have really enjoyed meeting all of you. You have opened up your minds and hearts to me as we shared many stories of survival and struggle. But tonight is no longer just about you and me. Your vote is about the hopes and beliefs of the 120,000 faces that make-up the district. You are representing them tonight and I thank you for your public service.

"The differences that separate us, whether they are between counties or the unique characteristics of the people that make-up this very district, are far less than what actually unites us as Party and a community. We share the same hopes and beliefs that together there is nothing we cannot accomplish or overcome.

"When I got in this race, some said I did not fit the mold of the typical politician. And it’s true. I learned policy and politics by working hands-on with the very people that are impacted by policy.

"I am not a career politician but I do have the knowledge and professional experience that is needed to hit the ground running if I earn your trust and vote tonight. Procedures and protocols can be learned but experience working with the community on the issues that matter most is something that can’t be taught.

"You and I know that policy made in a bubble no longer works for us. The secret to good policy is understanding the real issues and the people it affects. I know the struggles of the single parent, the hardworking teacher, the shift worker, the family that despite two incomes can’t make ends meet. Their story is my story.

"My professional career in the healthcare industry and public school system prepared me to tackle very complex problems with pragmatic solutions. I know how to build coalitions, work across the aisle and play the art of compromise, but never at the expense of our shared principles and values.

"Like you, I know what it feels to be knocked down or be counted out of the process. We all have our unique story. There is a Tom Parson or a Veronica Cordova or an Alex Sanchez in every neighborhood in the district. I am a product of this community. Your story is my story. I know your hopes and beliefs because they are my hopes and beliefs, too.

"If you believe that experience is not all about process but it’s the process of the experience that shapes our knowledge; if you believe that now more than ever we need democrats willing to fight for what matters most; then believe in me. I am the right choice for Senate District 31.

"We can and will rise above the challenges we face today.

"Hire me to be your next Senator. I ask for your vote. I will work hard every day to earn and keep your trust."

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